Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Why didn’t the Romans conquer crime? :: Classics

Why didnt the Romans conquer plague? History EssayWhy didnt the Romans conquer wickedness?I am going to pull through an essay explaining all the factors of Roman lifein the crime situation such as their laws and the punishments theygave for committing crimes. Also I will be examining their police pluck and their prison punishments. And I will finally be explainingthe public side to all this and the criminal rates of being caught.To prove that Romans did try to stop crime I am going to look at thispart of their life, as we know the first roman laws to be discoveredwere the twelve tables (written in Latin).All crime in Rome was dealtwith by the emperor and the senate. The crimes would be written downin detail past often reorganized to cover all aspects of crime. When looking for back on Romes punishments you may think that they seemvery strange but they were effective e.g. If you killed your father,you would get put in a sack with a real live snake, a dog and acockerel and thrown into a river.If you left the army you would have people throwing rocks at you andbe beaten truly badly. You could be sent down to the mines where youwouldnt last long or you could get tied to a cross. You might beexiled and lose your Roman citizenship.When the accused was in court they might try to look sad or scruffy tomake the jury sorry for them.Below is a small picture of what a roman court would have been set outlike.I have found that in Rome there was no effective police might howeverthe emperors guard protected the emperor and stopped riots. The armyacted as a police force in the provinces of the empire. The army was do up entirely of men as no women were allowed to join. The romanprisons were not used to punish criminals as they were there to holdpeople awaiting trial or prosecution. The wealthy were generally heldin arrest at the home of a friend or family member who would guaranteetheir presence at the trial. Private prisons existed for slaves.As there was no police forc e in Rome people who had been robbed ortaken the victim in the event of a crime then they would have to findtheir own evidence with the help of their friends and family and if

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