Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Plot vs Character in Tragedy Essay

Q. PLOT Vs CHARACTER In Tragedy In his immortal creation Poetics Aristotle mentions six formative elements of tragedy — ‘Plot’, ‘Character’, ‘Thought’, ‘Diction’, ‘Spectacle’ and ‘Song’. And among them ‘plot’ gets the prior attention and importance. Aristotle claims ‘plot’ to be the soul of tragedy. In his view character as secondary to the plot. He in his book Poetics opines â€Å"Plot is the fundamental thing, the soul of tragedy, whereas character is secondary.† [Chap—7]. It is only in the context of describing ideal plot that Aristotle refers to character. Aristotle categorically states that there can be a tragedy without character, but there can never be a tragedy without plot. According to Aristotle, there are two kinds of plot—simple plot and complex plot. In simple plot we find only ‘peripeteia’ or the reversal of situation, and complex plot shows both ‘peripeteia’ and ‘Anagnorisis’ or the sudden discovery. Besides these main two,’ plot’ can be based on scenes of sufferings. An ideal plot is one which arouses pity and terror and brings about the outlet of emotions. But the suffering of all characters cannot arouse pity and terror. If the tragic hero is a thoroughly bad man, his sufferings will not arouse the desired tragic emotions. And if the tragic hero is a thoroughly good man, his sufferings will shock us. So the arousal of pity and terror demands the description of a person who is neither very good nor very bad. The ideal character should be a person of intermediate sort. Thus, character is subordinated to plot. Tragedy depicts actions, and not character; it is the plot which reveals the character. In the classical tragedies of Greece emphasis is certainly laid on plot. Sophocles’ King Oedipus, Aeschylus’s Agamemnon or Euripides’s Medea is really plot-oriented. But in modern or social tragedies, character is closely assimilated with the circumstances of life—with different social forces. Bradley’s definition of tragedy as a tale of exceptional calamity of a person who falls from prosperity to misery shifts our attention to character. Synge’s Riders to the sea or Ibsen’s A Doll’s House exhibits the greater prominence of characters. To sum up the above discussion we can accept the fact that a proper blending between ‘plot’ and ‘character’ is the sole requisite of a good tragedy. And a successful tragedy writer knows how to provide the  readers or the audience with the blend of these two and make them mutually contributory to each other.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Suburban Regional Shopping

Running head: CAN THE MAGIC BE RESTORED? Suburban Regional Shopping Malls: Can the Magic Be Restored? Stephanie Austin Upper Iowa University Suburban Regional Shopping Malls: Can the Magic Be Restored? Imagine yourself as the manager of a struggling local suburban regional shopping mall. What do you think the mall should do to improve its performance? According to the textbook, the retail life cycle consists of the introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. (Perreault, Jr. Cannon, & McCarthy, 2011) To keep a local suburban regional shopping mall from reaching its decline, one must spend time and money during the maturity phase to keep with today’s trends. If a mall is declining, a manager must get more department or anchor stores to draw in business. Fill other spaces with specialty stores, offering products that consumers can’t get anywhere else. Another option for managers is to find a niche in the community that will draw consumers in. A suggestion that was used in the book was to add entertainment to the center of the mall.The entertainment can be anything from holiday shows, occasional concerts, a playground for kids, or even just an open area with comfortable resting spots where customers can relax and de-stress. A perfect type of idea would be a small coffee house type of area that serves coffee and soda with a waitresses on staff to cater to each patron’s needs. Especially during the holiday season, this would be a great relaxing way for customers to rest their feet and collect their thoughts before heading to the next store on the list. Another change that would need to be made is changing store configurations, referred to as zonal merchandising.This is where you group together stores that serve the same basic need and draw the same basic shoppers. This will help those shoppers that come to the mall to purchase a specific product. They then will see the other stores that sell similar products to what they are looking for and poss ibly stroll on into a new store. The most common use of zonal merchandizing has been used in food courts, which has been proven effective. â€Å"†¦ several new [building] projects have incorporated zonal merchandising principles, including Rivertown Crossings in Grand Rapids, Mighigan, which†¦ rouped some categories of stores by product line carried, and Park Meadows in Denver, Colorado†¦ has grouped stores by customer lifestyle. Attempts to reconfigure existing centers around zonal merchandising ideas, such as the changes at Glendale Galleria in Glendale, California, seem to be successful as well. † (insert book authors) The last thing and possibly most important thing a manager should do is create a mall website that lists all the stores, any possible coupons, discounts, or specials that may be happening, as well as links to all the stores so a person can â€Å"window shop† before ever stepping foot into the mall.One could even go as far as to offer di scounts to those who shop online thru the mall website, therefore drawing traffic to the website. Through the mall website, a consumer may find a link to another store that he/she has heard of before and then can check out its merchandise. Possibly aiding that store in achieving another customer. What shopping trends do you foresee over the next 10 years? How might these trends affect suburban regional shopping malls?Shopping trends over the next 10 years will include more technology with online shopping with tagging, kiosks for easy check-outs when a consumer does venture out, and apps that allow you to pay via smartphone. â€Å"This will also bring many benefits to life like automatic checkout, as you walk out, making cashiers less necessary in many categories. This means no more checkout lines and more service personnel to make your shopping experience a pleasure. This is already happening in Japan and other counties outside the US. † (site article)Shopping via tagging wil l be a new concept that will be a big hit. See a cute pair of shoes on the girl across the street? Consumer will point and say â€Å"tag it†. The smartphone will search the internet for that product and allow the consumer to see it and purchase that pair of shoes, right then and there. Everyone has been somewhere where they see something they like on someone, but are too afraid to ask the person where he/she got the item or even how much they paid for it. Experience Rethink author Brian Regienczuk has this to say, â€Å"As you move through your day, it will be asier to tag items you like and buy them immediately or add them to your shopping list. For example, a purse or pair of shoes on a passerby catches your eye. You say â€Å"tag item† as you look at the item and immediately receive confirmation that the item has been identified. Buy it now or add it to a list for later. † (Year of article) These trends will affect suburban regional shopping malls negatively at first, but as time goes by, consumers will still be drawn to the feeling and concept of strolling through malls, talking with their friends, and paroozing in and out of stores.Things that will be lost with the online shopping world. What new retail concepts can you identify? How might you learn about more? To learn about more, a mall manager could tour and visit other malls with similar demographics. What strategies do you suggest for learning about new retail concepts? To learn more about retail concepts, a company could hire a marketing firm and a technology firm to identify up and coming trends in the new markets. Certain firms specialize in this area.References Heller, L. (2011, April 20). The Future of Online Shopping: 10 Trends to Watch. Retrieved from www. Forbes. com: http://www. forbes. com/sites/lauraheller/2011/04/20/the-future-of-online-shopping-10-trends-to-watch/ Perreault, Jr. , W. D. , Cannon, J. P. , & McCarthy, E. J. (2011). Basic Marketing: A Marketing Stragety Planning Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin Company. http://experiencerethink. wordpress. com/2010/09/23/the-future-of-shopping-2020/

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Study of Factors Contributing to the Lack of Success and Participation of African American in Males in Advance Placement Classes

Abstract The purpose of this research brief is to offer a brief review of those factors that contribute to the academic achievement gap between African American males. A sample of 25 8th grade, African American, male students from Dent Middle School will be identifyied as participates for the research. Although there has been research written about the achievement gap between African American and their counterparts, the literature is limited regarding strategies tailored specifically to address the achievement gap between African American males.Participant’s data will be collected in relation to sex, race, age group, and attending school. Subjects will responded to an unobtrusive open-ended survey instrument. A survey consisting of 10 qualitative questions and will be used to developed for analysis. Introduction Studies have found that the level of the success of African American male students in advanced educational program is lower rates than nonblack peers (Few, 2004).Succe ss in early exposure to advance classes has shown that it ultimately impacts students’ pre college experiences, such as career choice, level of success, and the nature of participation extracurricular activities (Williams, 2011). Very few black males take advanced classes, which are more in line with college entrance requirements (Few, 2004). Instead, they stick to classes that meet basic high school graduation requirements (Few, 2004). Poverty is another barrier that blocks African American male from participation in the AP program.Most schools require a fee for taking an exam in each subject area (Williams, 2011). AP courses are not as accessible for minorities as for White students because many low-income schools (often primarily populated by minority students) do not offer any AP classes (Watts Silvernail, 2010). With most African American families living well below the nation poverty rate paying addition school fees is unrealistic (Cross, 2006). Further, the lack of expo sure to participating in advance placement class is also an issue that arises with African American males (Watts Silvernail, 2010).Influenced for many years by widespread opinion that they have substandard academic abilities, African American male students in many instances do not consider enrolling in the AP program (Williams, 2011). Consequently, when African American males are not being identified as being academically high achieving and they receive tremendous peer pressure not to achieve, it is no surprise that few African American young males are in honors or advanced placement courses (Cross, 2006).Despite these data, research is still necessary to understand why African American male student demonstrate lack of success and participation in advance courses. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to examine the possible factors that contribute to the lack success and participation of African American males in advance placement classes by asking the following questio ns: 1. Are African American males encouraged to participate in advance placement classes? . What types of support in being offered to enhance participation for African American Males? 3. What influences are hindering participation in advance placement for African American males? Researchers have attempted to clarify the factors the contribute to the lack of success and participation of African American in males in advance placement classes, most of the discussion focuses on fundamentals such as poverty, discrimination, and availability.While there has been much written on the African American in males in advance placement classes, there are questions and problems that are fully or partially disclosed in the works of known scholars. Although there have been significant gains in the educational endeavors of African American students, the 1990s saw a reduction in the progress made with a significant widening of the achievement gap between African American and Caucasian students(Few, 20 04). According to the Education Trust, (2003), the black-white gaps are about 10 points wider than they were more than a decade ago .In addition to gaps in performance on achievement tests, gaps are found in grades, course selection, advanced placement (AP) course participation and test taking, high school graduation, and dropout rates (Legler, 2004). Theodore Cross was dedicated to the conscientious investigation of the status and prospects for African American males in higher education. In the journal article published in The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education Cross addresses educational limitation for African American males in regards to advance placement.While his research did reveal and address the fundamentals of the lack of participation in advance classes for African American males the article lacked objectivity. The focus of the article was centered on the racial scoring gap of advance placement and examined the significance of the interracial disparities between African American male. While is this a key component Jenel Few author of â€Å"The Odds are Against them: The Black Male Education Debacle† takes a stand on the lack of preparation is the leading factor that hinders African American males from partaking in advance classes.She discusses the teacher’s lack of preparation to education children from different social standing and educational standing as well. African American males tend to be underrepresented in advanced and honors courses and more likely to be placed in special education programs and suspended or expelled from school (Few, 2004). The article describes a singularity known as the stereotype threat, which impacts the way teachers view students and the way students view themselves.Stereotype threat influenced teachers’ low-achievement expectations for poor and minority students (Few, 2004). Watts Silvernail, (2010) An Examination of the Barriers and Supports to African-American Enrollment in Honors and Advance d Placement Courses doctoral dissertation examined the impact of teacher effectiveness on the learning of different types of students, from low to high achievers, illustrated the importance of quality teachers. In her studies she found that teacher’s quality has a â€Å"huge effect on how well students fare in school† (abstract).Silvernail discusses that there are many externally and internally generated factors that can influence African American male students' academic decisions to participate in AP classes. External factors include inaccessibility, socioeconomic status, and systemic barriers. Internal factors include cultural identity conflicts, learning style differences, and social isolation (abstract). Silvernail research determined that educational programs that promote equal access to higher education for traditionally underserved populations do exist among African American male.Her qualitative approach was used with the intention of using authentic voices Afri can American student voices to look for commonalities and differences between those students who choose the rigorous advanced track and those who do not (Silvernail, 2010). Method In this research study, The Factors Contributing to the Lack of Success and Participation of African American in Males in Advance Placement Classes will be examined. A qualitative method was chosen because it will offer a more purposeful sampling.The strength of qualitative research is its ability to provide complex textual descriptions of how people experience a given research issue (Robert, 1999). The main purpose of choosing qualitative method is the advantage of qualitative research is to provide a richer deeper understanding of a problem or question being observed. Qualitative methods are also effective in identifying intangible factors, such as social norms, socioeconomic status, gender roles, ethnicity (Robert, 1999). Each participant personified three characteristics: Black male, a student, and a v olunteer.Participants The participants of this study will include 40 African American male students in the grade to 8th grade at Dent Middle School in Columbia South Carolina who have reported not being successful or participating in advance placement classes. I chose Dent Middle School because of it diversity with students and teachers. In order to conduct a survey with students a paternal consent form was required do to the participants being under the age of 18 years of age. Survey Instrument Participants in this study will complete an survey that consists of 25 questions. see Appendix A) The survey was developed to collect data that will be used to analyze the reasoning behind the lack of success of African American males in advance placement classes. References Cross, T. (2006). There is both good news and bad news in Black participation in advanced placement programs. The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, 50, 97-101. Retrieved from http://www. jbhe. com/features/59_apscor inggap. html Education Trust. (2003). African American achievement in America. Retrieved April 5, 2012 from http://www2. edtrust. org/NR/rdonlyres/ 9AB4AC88-7301-43FF-81A3 EB94807B917F/0/AfAmer_Achivement. df Few, J. (2004). The odds are against them: The black male education debacle. The Black Commentator, 89, Retrieved from http://www. blackcommentator. com/89/89_reprint_education. html Legler, R. (2004). Perspectives on the gaps: Fostering the academic success of minority and low-income students. Naperville, IL: Learning Point Associates. http://books. google. com/books/about/Perspectives_on_the_gaps. html? id=lM_zGwAACAAJ Robert , P. (1999). Qualitative methods: what are they and why use them?. Health Services Research, 34, 1101–1118. Retrieved from http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. ov/pmc/articles/PMC1089055/ Watts Silvernail, L. (2010). An examination of the barriers and supports to african-american enrollment in honors and advanced placement courses. (Doctoral dissertation, University of South Carolina)Retrieved from http://www. grin. com/en/doc/237000/an-examination-of-the-barriers-and-supports-to-african-american-enrollment Williams, R. (2011). More blacks are competing in advanced placement programs, but the racial scoring gap is widening. The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, 13, 23-36. Retrieved from http://www. jbhe. com/features/59_apscoringgap. html

2 articles about wedding reception and wedding budget Essay

2 articles about wedding reception and wedding budget - Essay Example For a touch of lavishness, add smoked salmon, caviar, or a carving station with ham, turkey or roast beef. Season the menu with the cocktails of champagne/wine and fruit juice (Mimosa, Bellini), champagne and vodka (Bloody Mary) or vodka and fruit juice (Apple Martini). And, ofcourse, fine teas and coffee should not be missed! Advantages: This type of wedding reception is usually inexpensive due to lower catering expenses (even a lavish breakfast/brunch menu is usually cheaper than a full-course buffet or full-service dinner) and temperate drinking (due to morning time of the day). If you want to kick start on your honeymoon, this type of wedding reception leaves you with ample time to leave the same day. Disadvantage: It might be inconvenient for guests, who live far off, to travel all the way in the morning, so as to attend your wedding. Also, you might not get as long to get dressed up for the occasion. Lunch wedding receptions are most suitable for you if you prefer both: morning wedding and leisure time to get ready for the occasion (quite more time than what is allowed by the breakfast wedding reception) Advantages: Compared to breakfast wedding reception, there is more time for you to dress up. It is more convenient for guests also, who would drive down to the venue from far off places. Also, you can choose your favourite dinner dishes on the menu at a lower cost. All this, along with the opportunity to leave for honeymoon the same day! Disadvantages: Closing time of the lunch wedding reception has to be carefully adhered to if you are leaving for honeymoon the same day. Sometimes lunch wedding receptions don’t seem to wind up at all and become dragging for the new couple. Also, you need to work out the plan for the evening if you are not leaving for honeymoon the same day. Creative turn to the reception: Turn it into outdoor social gathering or picnic by making seating arrangements on the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Discussion board Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Discussion board - Assignment Example Indiana could make better use of the land available to replace the money that is lost as export money. For example industrialize the areas or open animal farms. Better utilization of land could also result in emigration and growth of economy. Therefore, I do not think that it would have a sveere impact on the economy as stated in the article. In this article, the main focus was on the economy. However, I basically think that without farming the lands would be free from chemical pesticides. This would not only safeguard the environment but also make the land available for industrialization and establishment for other sources of state income. It is said in the article, that in dearth of crop products there are chances that more and more people would try and grow them in the garden and sell them for very high prices. However, I do not think most people would like to invest in such time consuming thing. Moreover, since these people would try and utilize their small gardens to the maximum such practice would also increase the usage of chemical fertilizers and harm the environment as well. I also think that the lands now free from harmful agricultural practices, could be sued for growth of economy. The state may open other industries such as dairy, meat etc. which would fetch far more money than basic crop

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The development of the concept of competitive advantage and how these Literature review

The development of the concept of competitive advantage and how these ideas have been taken up and have influenced the enginee - Literature review Example Competitive advantage not only provides firms with the necessary edge but it also ensures that they are able to create and maintain niche position in the market. Hence, elements of competitive advantage become major tools of survival in highly competitive business environment of contemporary times. The paper would be mainly discussing the development of the concept of competitive advantage of firms and it is exploited by businesses to maintain market position. Concept of competitive advantage The concept of competitive advantage is complex in its scope and therefore is difficult to define with conclusive authority. Many scholars have tried to unravel the factors that can be applied universally for all businesses but have failed to do so. Though early scholars had tried to identify strength and weaknesses of business strategies and plans that could be exploited by businesses to compete against their rivals, the words ‘competitive advantage’ remained elusive (Andrews, 1971 ; Ackoff, 1970). Interestingly, Penrose (1959) and later Ansoff (1965) had used the word but only to describe as how to compete. For them, various components of business strategies were important issues within competitive advantage and were required to be identified as strength or weaknesses so that they can be used to compete against the rivals in industry. ... It therefore, provides huge possibility for factors or elements that could still be used by firms to gain competitive advantage. The generic strategies vis-a-vis cost leadership, differentiation and focus were promoted as major ingredients of competitive advantage by Porter. But in the contemporary environment of recessive trends and changing format of social structure, these factors are used by all firms. They have become an easy means of survival but in the tough times, they could be caught in the vicious war of price cut leading to loss and closure. Thus, something ‘more’ is required for firms to gain competitive advantage or CA. Hay and Williamson (1991: 42) describe CA as capabilities which give the firms relative advantage against the rivals. Barney (1991: 99) also asserts that CA is value creating strategy that is unique and is not used by competitors. Both scholars were aware that CA is important aspect of businesses but were deficient in describing the elements that constitute CA. The definition was abstract in its content but at the same time, gave invaluable insight into the importance of having competitive advantage. Kay (1993: 24) believed that CA is a measurable financial performance outcome that can be defined as ‘ratio of added value to the firm’s gross or net output’. Most important is the fact that Kay had used it as a tangible asset or value addition to the product and services that help the firms to improve their financial outcome. The criteria lose its essence in the fast transforming scenario of emerging new paradigms in intangible assets and business compulsions. Competitive advantage cannot be confined within the context of tangible products and viewed objectively for its value added services. The transforming values have

Friday, July 26, 2019

Case Study for Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company Essay

Case Study for Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company - Essay Example The tangible aspect corresponds to the company’s infrastructure and amenities. Aside from this, Ritz-Carlton also emphasized excellence in customer service which is the intangible aspect of its product. This is highlighted by the famous words of its founder: â€Å"Never say no when a client asks for something even if it is the moon. You can always try† (Lampton 2003). Thus, â€Å"guests remark that they are â€Å"pampered,† â€Å"respected,† â€Å"treated like royalty,† and â€Å"incurably spoiled† (Lampton 2003). Recognizing the importance of customer service in extending the Ritz-Carlton experience, the company has been passionate about training their staff and treating them as their strategic partners. The hotel chain makes it a point to make employees absorb the core value of the organization, train them, prepare them to serve the market. What is remarkable is the company’s strong adherence to strategic human resource management. Ritz-Carlton’s staff irrefutably becomes its competitive advantage (Lampton 2003). Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company’s popularity is high due to its upscale, luxury brand of hotels and resorts with locations in major cities in the United States and other internationally famous destinations such as Montego Bay, Jamaica, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Bali, Hong Kong and Qatar. The hotel company owns 59 hotels in 20 countries 37 of which are hotels while 22 are resorts. The operation of the hotel company began in 1983 with the purchase of the Ritz-Carlton, Boston by William B. Johnson. However, the legacy of the hotel is attributed to the celebrated â€Å"king of hoteliers and hotelier to kings,† CÐ ¹sar Ritz. The company states that â€Å"his philosophy of service and innovations redefined the luxury hotel experience in Europe through his management of The Ritz in Paris and The Carlton in London.†

Thursday, July 25, 2019

HRM Innovation and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

HRM Innovation and Change - Essay Example The chapter elaborates that the traditional role of managers were confined to the well defined parameters of organization’s goals and management guidelines. Leadership, on the other hand, basically refers to people who have the capacity to bring about changes in other people. Indeed, leaders create visions and goals whereas the managers and administrators work towards achieving them. Hence, in the contemporary environment competitive business, managerial leadership has become the need of the hour. The examples of the dynamic leadership of Leahy of Tesco and O’Leary of Ryanair illustrates that to develop effectiveness in strategic change, flexible approach to managerial leadership that is more labor friendly needs to be adopted. It should also believe in developing joint goals and objectives that are mutually beneficial, thus fostering mutual beliefs and better understanding of each others value system. Project can broadly be defined as a specific time bound work with specific objectives and goals; budget; and resources. I believe that the successful completion of project therefore, requires teamwork that is defined by shared leadership. Leadership helps to promote smooth functioning of the various processes within the parameters of project goals. The cut throat business environment demands dynamic leadership who strives to create value based mission and inculcates confidence amongst the various stakeholders. Indeed, the project management helps provide the tools to achieve project goals through well planned strategy. At the same time, the managerial leadership would not only facilitate an intangible stability among the team members but also provide impetus for improved performance that result in efficient and time bound completion of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Awards for Excellence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Awards for Excellence - Essay Example This was just a sign of things to come. Expect more from us in the future because new talent gets discovered on a regular basis in our department. Coming to the teaching awards, Mr. Angel Garralda and Ms. Ming Cheung are both accomplished educators with a similar 'learning is a continuous, two-way process', view. They have a refreshingly new approach to teaching, 'a pro-active role for the student in the learning process.' The awards will only add responsibility and enhance their already popular teaching methods. These are given ONLY to people who have made outstanding contributions in their respective teaching disciplines over a period of time. The awards are a proof of the teaching efficiency levels at the EN department. As more and more students from all over the world, show keen interest, to be a part of our culture, we'd expect the students to be ready for an environment that provides both fun and serious learning simultaneously. The range of courses offered by the department ca ters to all the needs across all walks of life. This is the most exciting part of this unique community.

Peer response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Peer response - Assignment Example Fracking indeed has various perspectives from which it can be viewed. Whereas some see fracking as a very important aspect considering its benefits to both economy and countries, others on the contrary, believe that indeed fracking is unethical, and therefore, should be stopped as it is the greatest contributor towards the frequent occurrences of earthquakes in regions that constantly experience fracking. In spite the truth associated with the argument that fracking is beneficial to the economy, it is argued that such is a one-sided argument and one that lacks any scientific proof. Ideally, fracking involves a number of processes that cause the land and surrounding environment to look ugly. Despite the little truth associated with such a perspective, it is evidently clear that such a point of view is self-centered and attributed to an individual’s opinion and one that lacks any scientific support. A similar perspective is observed on matters pertaining to autism. Evidently, on aspects pertaining to the vaccination of autism, opposing viewpoints have been realized. On the non-scientific approach to the issue, many people have been left scared on the aspects involved in the vaccination process of autism, which has contributed towards the deaths of many children. Provision of autism cure would ideally be the greatest achievement of both researchers and parents towards taking care of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Langston Hughes Masterpieces I, Too and A Dream Deferred Essay

Langston Hughes Masterpieces I, Too and A Dream Deferred - Essay Example The lines below show a steadfast refusal to accept the racial segregation. â€Å"Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed - I, too, am America.† The poet proudly and clearly declares, he too is an American and is not going to give up at any cost. â€Å"A deferred dream† was written long after the Harlem Renaissance. All the hopes and dreams expressed during that period hadn’t materialized even after two decades of waiting. The racial differences prevailed even during the 1950’s. The poem is an expression of the desperation of when the situation will finally change if at all. The first and last lines of the poem are extremely powerful. â€Å"What happens to a dream deferred?† â€Å"Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?† The poet laments with untold sadness when he asks whether his dreams will drop dead with him pressing his soul with a great burden. He immediately expresses his anger asking whether the dreams will explode causing another revolution. In short he urges his fellow brothers to start leading their dreams instead of waiting for them to happen at the mercy of someone else. Scanty Support from Non Black Poets The poet as a young representative of the Harlem renaissance hopes to change the world through his pen. Many of his African American colleagues had the same dream. But, not everybody was supportive. The modernist poets like Fearing and Davidman saw the Harlam Renaissance as a way of the black community to achieve dominance. Though they agreed racial discrimination should be kept in check, their views about the struggling of the black people were generally pessimistic (Smethurst, 1999). None of their works expressed the warm confidence and positive attitude as shown in these lines of â€Å"I, Too†. â€Å"But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. Tomorrow, I'll be at the table When company comes† In fact only a very few like Langston had this cheery spirit in the Harlem Renaissance group. But, sadly even his great warrior spirit gets wounded by time. Poets like Sterling Brown and Don West were also popular folk poets. But their poems usually kept â€Å"folk† out of the mass culture, catering the artistic side of educated people rather than the struggling blacks. The modern digital generation might find it hard to believe such inequalities were meted out to their fellow brothers with President Obama ruling the country now. But, the situation was much different a century before. The Repressed Anger The poem â€Å"A Deferred Dream† is like a continuation of the first poem â€Å"I, Too†. They record the changes expected with time and the disappointment of it not materializing as fast as expected. The author hopes he would be able to dine equally with the Whites in the future definitely. He cherishes the dream with his heart and soul. Twenty five years later, he is tired of still cherishing the same dream. He is tired to see his fellow brother being exploited still in terms of education, employment and several other fields. He watches them shed their roots and try to imitate the White people blindly. The poet is deeply hurt by this. On the other hand he also notices people with the true ‘black† spirit too who give him hope. He believes these people will fight for their rights better than the educated blacks. He warns the society about how the suppressed feelings of the black peop

Monday, July 22, 2019

Puddle Girl Essay Example for Free

Puddle Girl Essay She gazes out the window, self-consciously adjusting the straps of her shirt. She shivers as a chill creeps out from the weathered window pane and draws a limp cardigan from the overstuffed chair she has perched herself upon. The pounding of the rain slowly begins to abate and diverts into a soft, gentle roll of tears from the sky. She clasps the cardigan closer to her body, as she mentally counts off the number of ribs she can feel through the heavy, wool blend. Haplessly she utters the sigh of a woman far beyond her years and reaches to open the beckoning door. Her frail, ivory hand encloses on the scuffed brass door knob and she abruptly looks about her, as if she is waiting for someone to reprimand her. She braces herself against the winds knocking chill and steps out into the blighting, crisp, after-rain air. Though she is wearing the two layers she had previously dressed herself in that grey morning and the four other layers she had wrapped herself in throughout the day, she still shivers, the drizzle gently pinpricking her spine. The soft, baby hairs rising on her arms, she raises her diminutive hand to touch the baby-fine smattering of gold silk upon her head, to find that it drifts off through her bony fingers to the earthen ground. She touches her head again and this time her gaze lands upon the aimless settlement of one golden strand. Whirling and twirling, its angelic decent is cushioned by the tender rains droppings that had accumulated into a softly swirling puddle. In an impulsive childish manner, she squats down alongside the water mass and peers at the blustery, silken strand. As it writhes and dances across the still body of water, it creates perfect, symmetrical ripples of movement and sooner than later, to the young girls objections, the hair is stifled by the peaceful puddles saturation. And just as her lips utter yet another far-matured sigh, a reflection subsequently appears and the girl, in a melancholy, self-induced habit stares at the image impressed upon the waters glass. There is a girl in the puddle and she stares back with a desolate stare. Where once sparkling blue eyes glistened is now replaced with the color of grey misery, the twinkle engulfed in the worlds shallow appetite. Her cheeks sunken with the sharp edge that only appears with years of self-destruction and facial expression contorted into the tightness of concentrated self-loathing. Convulsing, the young girl abruptly shatters the ebbing puddle girls image, sending her nose, eyes, and tight-lipped un-smile into all directions. Trembling from  anger, fear, paina mixture of such pure and raw emotion that to describe it would be impossiblethe young girl crumbles down onto the cold, unyielding cement. Cradling her head, allowing the swirling torrent of feelings to take over her beingonce again the rains begin to fall and as each drop rolls down her once rosy cheeks, she sobs and thinks of days gone past.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Situation Analysis For 42below Feijoa Vodka Marketing Essay

Situation Analysis For 42below Feijoa Vodka Marketing Essay 42 Below Vodka which is the worlds most awarded vodka according to its website is one of New Zealands most recognized alcohol exports to the world. 42 BELOW Limited, is a drinks manufacturing company based in downtown  Auckland,  New Zealand. Their foremost product is the  vodka  42 BELOW, the  gin  South Gin, as well as  420 spring water  (which is sparkling mineral water) and the cheaper brand  of Stil Vodka (Wikipedia, 2012).   42 Below is made from  genetic engineering-free wheat. The name also refers to the southern latitude where the product is manufactured just north of  Wellington  on New Zealands 42nd parallel and it is also a reference to the 42% alcohol content of the beverage. The specific product that will be the focus of this assignment is the 42 Below Feijoa Vodka which is made with the feijoa, a native  New Zealand  fruit, and has 42% alcohol content. It also has the hint of guavas and pineapple as well and is a relatively new product for the company. Vodkas are considered to be spirits that are principally neutral that is, without distinctive character, aroma, taste or colour (MediaWiki, 2012). Nevertheless, buyers do distinguish between them according to taste, alcohol content, and most notably, price. The target market for this product: 42 Below Feijoa (referred to in this report as Feijoa) will be the youth and this product will especially be marketed with a kiwi-culture concept to those with a patriotic streak. A price of around $37.99- $42.99 puts this vodka in the mid-price range which will also be a plus. 42 Below undertook a preliminary public tender of shares and warrants in 2003. On 27 September 2006 the firm received a takeover offer of $0.77/share from  Bacardi Ltd  , which expanded the value of the business to NZ$138 million. Bacardi looked at 42Below as a fledgling company but with much long-term growth potential in the international market. The takeover was victorious and 42 BELOW Limited is now completely owned by the Bacardi group. Market of interest, trends and size Market of interest: The New Zealand vodka market is currently saturated with a variety of products but 42 Below Vodka is a brand that has immense local brand awareness. In the language of Kiwidom, 42 Below is world famous in New Zealand. To capture market allocation, 42 Below Vodka has had to establish and cultivate a strong brand-name. This report discusses the introduction of Feijoa to Kiwis (here and abroad) and the best ways to achieve profitable sales. Feijoa is out to recapture Kiwis who are patriotic and always crave for a taste of New Zealand beginning with those who are in the country and continuing abroad. Trends and size of the market: Statistics New Zealand records that the volume of spirits (containing more than 23 percent alcohol) increased 217,000 litres (1.7percent) to 13 million litres in 2011 and according to them vodka sales were up 9% in popularity. This shows that the market size for Vodka in New Zealand is substantial and that the trend of the spirit market, especially that of vodka, is that it has continually increased in size. This also reiterates that the demand for vodka and vodka based products is going from strength to strength in New Zealand. External environment impacts Analyzing the environmental aspects is advantageous for comprehending how the present trends and developments could influence the promotional plan of our product. It is very important to keep up with the trends in the market to gain a competitive edge over our rival companies. Some of the current trends in the external environment and how these could affect out marketing plan are listed below. Social Networking One of the key trends in society today is the use of social networking. It is vital for our company to create and manage a Twitter Account as well as a Facebook page, which will permit current and potential consumers of our products to keep in touch with the company, ask questions and keep up-to-date on all our company and product promotions. A campaign that uses promotions, contests and other creative ideas on Facebook will allow Feijoa to have a higher level of input from and better communication with the consumer. These channels can also be used to maintain a high standard of our product with the consumers. Online Websites Online Websites are also great place for buyers to gather information regarding products on sale. It is therefore essential that our company has a technologically advanced and informational website about our products and the company. Consumers should be able to query about our product, locate information and buy said items using our website. We will look at upgrading our current website to this level: Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society, the environment and its own prosperity. (MPI, 2012) it is seen as trendy for alcohol-based companies to integrate CSR into its advertising. At present, companies try to communicate messages like: Drink responsibly and You dont want to spoil a great party. A company sees it as its responsibility to inform consumers about responsible alcohol consumption. (ECMAM, 2009). Feijoa has plans to incorporate CSR into our promotions activity because it is important for any alcohol selling company to notify customers that it is fundamental to drink responsibly. Green Image The idea of going green is very popular in todays society. The buzz today is to try and protect our planet and her resources. Integrating the idea of being green in our marketing can be very advantageous in getting customers to buy our product. For our company to exploit this trend, we will advertise about the green aspects of our manufacturing and bottling process. Our company can also donate funds to green causes for every bottle of Feijoa bought. Competition Analysis An analysis of the current competition for 42 Below Feijoa Vodka, centered on the 3 most popular vodkas sold in New Zealand today, is presented. Using SWOT analyses, the identifiable weaknesses and strengths of Feijoa in the light of this competition has been examined. Key threats and key opportunities have also been identified. Current Situation 42 Below Vodka is a well known brand in New Zealand. It is, as they say, world famous in New Zealand. Made in the Wellington using the pure softness of New Zealand sparkling water, 42 Below Vodka has fashioned itself as a popular brand of vodka in New Zealand and abroad. 42 Below Vodkas current goal is to expand its vodka range and offering customers first-rate feijoa based vodka at an affordable price. Feijoa plans to target the higher class youth market consisting of high-end nightclubs, hotels, and restaurants plus the demographic that frequents these enterprises: youthful professionals, younger professional people, and others with an prosperous standard of living. Problem Identification The fundamental problem that Feijoa faces is entering into an already overcrowded New Zealand market with absolutely no taste awareness for a feijoa based alcoholic beverage. A strategic plan for acquiring considerable market share is crucial. Opportunity Because 42 Below Feijoa is entering an entirely innovative niche in the market, it has the prospect of building everything from square one including: image, a name for the product, and strategies to market the product. The first thing we need to do is create a brand image for Feijoa whereby it will begin to establish a connection with its target audience. The branding aim is to position Feijoa foremost in the minds of its target consumers whenever they think of buying highest quality pure vodka for their businesses, special events, parties and getaways. Feijoa will also need to develop an exceptional and continuing image of this vodka for targeted consumers. For example, another vodka distributed in New Zealand, Absolut Vodka, has a website that can attract and grip the attention of even a teetotaler, because the imagery and list of possibilities on their website are so compelling. Feijoa needs to develop an image that will boost our products status value and impression and enthralls its target market. Feijoa will have to implement clever marketing strategies in order to activate and propagate such a mesmerizing image for its product, Situation Analysis 42 Below Feijoa Vodka is entering into a completely new market segment under flavored vodkas where the targeted consumers already have preferences when it comes to buying vodka. Thus, it is necessary to carry out a SWOT analysis of both 42 Below Feijoa and the competition so that the company can obtain a lucid view of this new environment. An industry analysis will help Feijoa to create the precise brand awareness for its own vodka and to understand the nature of its competing products. There are currently many brands of flavoured vodka in New Zealand liquor stores. Its popularity can be attributed mainly to its neutral flavour and adaptability as a mixer. Many vodkas are reasonably priced and are intended to be mixed with other drinks like orange juice or apple cider or mixed in Bloody Marys, martinis and other cocktails. Other brands of vodka are dearer and drunk ice-cold, either straight-up (neat) or on-the-rocks (on ice). Flavoured vodkas are well liked. 42 Below Feijoa Vodka has impending competition from a wide range of pre-existing flavoured vodka products in its selected environment. Feijoa will understand how to best penetrate its new market after carrying out a full examination of its competitors. Competitor Analysis Vodka is usually distilled from rye and wheat grains or from beets or potatoes. After distillation, charcoal is usually used to filter the vodka. The more one distils and filters vodka, the clearer and purer its taste becomes. Therefore, the expensive vodkas are usually those that have been distilled and filtered numerous times. Vodka needs to be diluted before it is packaged as it has a very high percentage of ethanol, usually 95-96% (Wikipedia, 2012). Vodkas are considered to be spirits that are principally neutral that is, without distinctive character, aroma, taste or colour (MediaWiki, 2012). Nevertheless, buyers do distinguish between them according to taste, alcohol content, and most notably, price. There are three broad categories of flavoured vodka in relation to cost and it is useful to 42 Below Vodka to see where its product is positioned. Feijoa has completed an environmental scan of three price ranges of flavoured vodka in Auckland lower range, mid range and premium priced. To best understand the competitive environment, three of the most popular flavoured vodkas from different price categories have been identified for SWOT analysis. Lower cost range: Vodka Cruiser Mid cost range: Absolut Premium cost range: Grey Goose The subsequent discussion and charts discuss the results of this analysis for Cruiser, Absolut and Grey Goose. Internal environment impacts Financial Analysis In 2003 42 Below vodka was being distilled in a garage in Wellington. Now the spirits firm is New Zealands most exponentially growing listed company and has just been taken over by U.S. alcoholic beverage giants, Bacardi who paid NZ$138m (US$91m) for it. Just as impressive as the growth in revenue, which increased by 2,116% over the last two years, is where 42 Below vodka is being sold. The companys markets are the US, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand in that order. (iStart, 2007). Internal Organisation and Structure Bacardi Limited is the company that has bought out 42 Below in 2006 and has made 42 Below its irreverent completely out there vodka for those who want to do things differently. The board of Bacardi Limited consists of 14 members of the Bacardi kin and four autonomous directors. Bacardi Limited runs its empire with the presence of an International Leadership Team that looks after the main decisions of all its brands, 42 Below being one of these. The Leadership team is made up of the chief executives based all over the world: The Chairman of the Board of Bacardi Limited since 2005 is Facundo L. Bacardi who is also the great-great grandson of Company founder Don Facundo Bacardà ­ Massà ³ and a fifth generation family member. President and Chief Executive Officer of the company is Ed Shirley who was elected a Director by the Board in March 2012. Ron Anderson is the Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer and is responsible for commercial capabilities of the internationally known portfolio of premium spirits with focus on enhancing sales force capabilities, commercial effectiveness and implementing robust go-to-market programs (Bacardi, 2012). Scott M Northcutt is Senior Vice President of Human Resources of Bacardi Limited and is responsible for all everything to do with employee career improvement, employee pay schemes, progression planning, as well as management and organisation advancement. Silvia Lagnado, Jacques Croisetià ¨re, Stefan Bomhard, Caroline Basyn, Robert Furniss-Roe, Jon Grey, Paolo Perego, Eduardo Sà ¡nchez, Siddik Tetà ­k and Atul Vora make up the rest of the members of Bacardis Leadership Team. 42 Below has acquired its own Managing Director, Paul Dibbayawan, who was headhunted by Bacardi to manage 42 Below and joined this iconic NZ brand last year. Manufacturing Processes 42 Below Feijoa Vodka is made from genetic engineering-free wheat from the Canterbury Plains and pure New Zealand still and sparkling mineral water. And, because 42Below is truly obsessed with creating great vodka, it uses a high saturation distillation process with the vodka distilled 4 times and filtered through 35 separate filters (Bacardi, 2012). The result is distilled twice, prior to being rinsed in spring water, achieving a saturation point that brings a high level of purity and freshness to the vodka. 42 Below then faces distillation a third time. It is then charged with charcoal to eliminate any final contaminations before being filtered. It is then diluted with local sparkling spring water (DrinkSupermarket, 2012). 42 Below is diluted with water from the mineral springs from deep underneath the volcanic highland in the heart of New Zealands North Island. This spring has been graded AA by World Health Organisation indicating water of supreme cleanliness and purity (DrinkSupermarket, 2012). Human Resources The person in-charge of Bacardi Limiteds HR activities is Scott M Northcutt but 42 Below is a Kiwi company with its own Managing Director Paul Dibbayawan. When Bacardi Limited took over 42 Below, the entire staff was retained and the production remained in New Zealand to keep the identity of this iconic Kiwi brand. 42 Below has a very relaxed HR management style. The companys headquarters has been famous for announcing (on their walls) that they cull their staff once every six weeks so that their vodka secrets do not leak out. Management As discussed above Bacardi Limited has its own Leadership Team that functions as its International Management system as well but 42Below is also a Kiwi company with its own Managing Director Paul Dibbayawan who is now settled in Takapuna. 42Below is run like a publicly listed company. Whilst we are not a publicly listed company, the Bacardi CEO is really setting the direction for us to be governed in the same way. We are putting a lot of the systems in place as if we were. It just makes perfect sense. The regulations and transparency are there for a reason so it is only sensible to follow that best practice. Stated Dibbayawan in an interview (The Director, 2008). Research and Development 42 Below has hired the vodka professor and his job involves going around the world running sessions called vodka university (The Director, 2008). They mix and match all vodkas and mixers from all over the world with bar-people and this process is what they classify as research. Marketing Function When it comes to 42Below, they dont sell a product; they sell an idea, an experience even. 42Below doesnt have sales reps, it has ambassadors. Nobody has titles, except for kind of nickname titles. The creator and boss of 42Below had the title of Chief Vodka Bloke. The marketing and promotions output from 42Below is distributed under the title of propaganda (42Below, 2012). When one goes through each of the propaganda material, youd notice that none of the twelve current marketing posters sell 42Below as a product; they all sell the experience of purity, kiwiness, uniqueness, perfection, irreverence, everything that 42Below is famous for. An innovative orientation for the intuitive sensing of what the market needs involves an entrepreneur who can come up with a new idea first and then think about how and where he will sell the product (Stokes, 2000). This opportunity-focused posture was adopted by 42Below and allowed strategies to emerge over time (Rahoi-Gilchrest, 2007). Instead of selling vodka, they sold stories and experiences that are unique from branding to production; a positioning that gave them an exceptional competitive advantage (Morrish  HYPERLINK #idb19et al.HYPERLINK #idb19, 2010). Location 42 Below vodka is headquartered in the Britomart area where a large poster announces that We have to kill all our staff every six weeks.   The company recently had to move into bigger premises from its Penrose location, and has taken over a building in the Britomart complex in the Auckland CBD. External Relationships As a company that believes in marketing dreams, visions and experiences in contrast to products, 42Below has created and nurtured many external relationships to help it achieve its aims. 42Below has long supported Hollywood by supporting our own Wellywood greats like Peter Jackson and hopefuls like Mark Albiston and Louis Sutherland. The Lord of the Rings Oscar party included goody bags to the VIPs that included 42Below products amongst other things. Albiston and Sutherlands participation and win at the Aspen Shortfest was made possible by 42BELOWs sponsorship. 42BELOW has also been one of the principal sponsors at the New York Film Societys event honouring Michael Douglas in 2010. 42BELOW has also supported NZ Music Month. 42 At The Zoo was seen as a celebration of New Zealand Music Months success for a decade. 42BELOW also hosts a  Cocktail World Cup in New Zealand every year since 2004. Vodka cocktail making or mixology, as 42Below calls it has become a world renowned skill for bar managers everywhere. 42Below flies in the proven mixology team from all over the world to New Zealand annually to participate in this competition. 42Below has also co-sponsored events like Hilarity For Charity 2012 in support of the Alzeimers Association in Los Angeles in January this year. 42Below has many other external relationships that helps it market dreams, visions and experiences. High Quality Competitive Positioning Perceptual Map High Price Low Price Low Quality Ethical standing For Paul Dibbayawan the four elements of social responsibility for drinking is a very important factor when it comes to marketing the drink. He has strict guidelines that stop the company from participating in any marketing propaganda that could involve minors, drink driving, binge drinking or being sexually liberal. We dont want to be appealing to minors we dont want minors to drink. We dont want drink driving thats a big problem in New Zealand. We dont want excessive binge drinking. And we dont want people to think that if they drink the brand, theyll immediately be sexually successful. (The Director, 2008) Another important thing about the socially responsible marketing strategies of 42Below is that they do not participate in mass marketing like billboards, newspapers or magazines as these according to Dibbayawan do not actually reach the target audience and may lead to minors buying the product instead. Other (A Culture of Excellence) 42Below has a culture of excellence when it comes to its products and this is illustrated by the list of awards that the different flavours and the original vodka have won over the years. The original vodka has won gold for 7 years straight and silver the year it was introduced to the world competitions. 42Below currently has the reputation of winning more vodka awards than any other brand in the world. This culture of excellence is a huge marketing advantage for 42Below especially when launching a new product like Feijoa Vodka since this excellence can be used to catapult Feijoa above its competitors. Situational Analysis Summary 42Below Feijoa Vodkas environmental scan has determined that Feijoa has a number of competitive advantages over brands in the NZ flavoured vodka market. As a quality brand, it surpasses vodka in the lower and mid price ranges. Its major competition in the mid price category is Absolut but Feijoa has a unique filtering process with distinctive and pure NZ ingredients and it has 2% more alcohol content than Absolut. Based on the SWOT analysis (please refer to diagram) of other well-known vodka brands in NZ plus 42Below, we are able to create a perceptual/positioning map (please refer to diagram) that indicates the market positions of assorted vodka competitors and how competitive Feijoa can be. Moreover, this analysis will give me leeway to suitably adapt the brand and its marketing campaign. According to the positioning map, Feijoa holds a spot at the top end of high quality however is positioned with an unexpectedly reasonable price that does not correspond with its excellent quality. In other words, compared to its competition, 42Below Feijoa Vodka is a high quality product at a relatively low price.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

HSBC Bank Mortgage Policies Analysis

HSBC Bank Mortgage Policies Analysis INTRODUCTION: Home is the need of every human being and having their own home is dream of every human being. In the United Kingdom price of the houses are very high and it is not possible for every citizen to buy their own home without taking financial help from financial organization like banks or building societies. When bank or a building society helps someone financially by providing loan, so that a citizen is able to buy his/her own home is called mortgage. In other words we can say a mortgage represents a loan on a property or house that has to be paid over a specified period of time. As financial help is always needed for smooth run of ones life so for the convenience of the people there are many financial organizations such as banks help the people financially, who want to buy their own home and property. So mortgage was introduced by the banks, from which people can get financial help so that one is able to buy his/her own home and property. Mortgage system is very popular among the people of the United Kingdom because this is the only way to buy their own property. As we know that the mortgage is that sum of money which is borrowed from the Bank or Building Society for buying a property and that borrowed amount has to be paid back with principle plus interest within fixed time period. Today mortgage has great importance as it is the only way with the help of which people are able to buy their own property. This dissertation report is based on the theory of research over the mortgage system of HSBC Bank and specifying the various strategies and policies of thei r mortgage system. The purpose of this report is to critically evaluate the mortgage system of HSBC Bank. Company Background: HSBC Bank has its headquarters in London. HSBC took its name from the Hong Kong and Shanghai Corporation which was founded in 1865 to finance trade between China and Europe. HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organization in the world. HSBC has 8,000 offices globally. HSBC Bank is one of the major clearing banks in the United Kingdom having more assets than any other bank. The business ranges from the traditional High Street roles of personal finance and commercial banking, to private banking, consumer finance as well as corporate and investment banking. HSBC is listed on the stock exchanges of London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris having around 220,000 shareholders in 119 countries and territories. HSBC has 1500 branches in United Kingdom. HSBC Bank plc is incorporated in England and Wales and established at 8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ which is its Registered Office. This bank is regulated by the Financial Services Authority and is registered in the Financial Services Authority Register with the Registration Number: 114216. HSBC Bank is member of the Financial Ombudsman Scheme. Literature Review: A mortgage is a conveyance of land or an assignment of chattels as a security for payment of a debt or the discharge of some other obligation for which it is given. This is the idea of a mortgage; and the security is redeemable on the payment or discharge of such debt or obligation, any provision to the contrary notwithstanding (Stanley Wilde 1899) Per Lindley MR. The mortgage is derived from the two words i.e. mort and gage which means dead pledge. The mortgage is usually signed by the borrower and agreed before a public notary and is recorded with the County Recorder. In the mortgage system if the mortgagor fails to pay the installment then the lender has right to close out the mortgage and can sale the property to get the payment for future.(Jack P Friedman, 2003 p.173-204) The mortgage is a  loan  to  finance  for the  purchase  of  real estate, with a specified interest rates and fixed payment time period. The  borrower (mortgagor) gives the  lender  (mortgagee) a  lien  on the property  as  collateral  for the loan. People can borrow money to buy a home and pay interest on the mortgage to the lender (Bank or Building Society). The Lender (Bank) uses borrowers property as security for the loan. This term means that if the borrower fails to pay the monthly installment then lender (Bank) may repossess property. An individual can apply for mortgage from any bank like HSBC, Lloyds TSB, Barclays, and Santander or from Nationwide (Building Society) or from Islamic Bank of Britain. The mortgage makes very easier to pay the huge amount in the monthly installment for the fixed time depends on the mortgage plan. (Jack Guttentag, 2004). The mortgage which suits you the best depends on many parameters which mainly include your risk enduring capacity, your personal financial goals and capabilities and your income. In the presence of so many options and offers present in the market it can surely become a daunting task to select the best mortgage option for you. Considering your dilemma we at came up with some useful tit bits which when kept in mind can surely help you make a wise decision towards taking a mortgage. An adjustable rate mortgage is perfect for those situations where you have to stay in that house for a short period of time and when the interest rates in the market are low and are expected to stay so too during the coming times. On the other hand a fixed rate mortgage fits those situations where in you decide to won that house for a longer period of time and the interest rates too are very high at the moment with chances of volatility in the near future. A fixed interest cushions you against these turbulent conditions. The advantages and disadvantages of mortgages will surely take us a step closer towards deciding it for sure if taking a mortgage is the best solution for your situation. Advantages: The most important advantage associated with a mortgage is the fact that it allows us to retain the ownership of our property and at the same time helps us in getting financial aid too. There is no need for one to sell or let go of his property to seek some money in exchange. In a mortgage the lender does not receive any share in the ownership of the property but is only entitled to take back the principal amount and the interest accumulated on the principal amount lent by him to you. the lender can only claim ownership on your property in case you default on the repayment schedule. The other benefit associated with mortgage is the fact that the interest payments on the mortgage are tax free in nature. Since the schedules of repayment are pre fixed and decided it allows you to plan your financials and expenses accordingly thereby simplifying the entire process for you. By availing a mortgage you now have access to cash flow which you were not having in normal conditions and can now use it to fulfill your needs and requirements. Disadvantages: The need of depositing collateral as security works out to be the biggest drawback of mortgages. It restricts the kind of people who can avail a mortgage as only home owners or other asset owners can do so. Also, in case that you default on your payment the lender has the right to claim the property deposited by you as collateral and then subsequently sell it off to claim back the loaned amount he had given you. You have to ensure while taking the mortgage that there is a clause mentioned therein that on repayment of the mortgage the lender has to release the ownership title submitted to him by you. The lender as per his convenience can define several events which he mat term as a default and generally includes inability to pay back the loan, bankruptcy, insolvency or any breach in the mortgage agreement. Therefore the risk of you ending up losing your property increases substantially. Repayment Of Mortgages There are two methods of repaying mortgage, one can choose from these two methods according to ones personal circumstances. Capital Repayment: With a capital repayment plan, monthly payment covers the interest charged on mortgage and it also reduces the outstanding balance each month in line with the term selected. With this repayment plan, one can ensure mortgage is fully paid off at the end of the mortgage period. What we get with the repayment option: Interest and capital repaid monthly payment covers the interest and also reduces the total balance outstanding Secure providing all payments are made, the mortgage will be repaid in full at the end of the agreed mortgage term Choose your repayment term up to a maximum of 30 years. Capital repayment is a repayment option on all of our mortgage products fixed rate, tracker and discount mortgages. Interest only: With an interest only option, monthly payment covers only the interest charged on mortgage, freeing up cash to spend elsewhere or to invest to pay off mortgage at the end of the mortgage term. By repaying only the interest on mortgage, monthly repayments are lower than with an equivalent capital repayment mortgage. What we get with the Interest only option: Interest only the monthly payment covers just the interest and the original capital amount borrowed remains outstanding throughout the term of the loan Lower monthly payments because capital is not repayed, monthly payments will be lower than with a capital repayment mortgage Long repayment term up to a maximum of 40 years Lower borrowing limit up to a maximum of 75% of the purchase price or the valuation of property (whichever is lower) Availability Interest only loans are restricted to home buyers or customers remortgaging from a competitor. Not available to existing customers borrowing further funds. Mortgage products of HSBC Bank Fixed Rate Mortgages: Repayments are fixed for the duration of the fixed term, and because it doesnt vary, monthly repayments remain the same regardless of what happens to interest rates HSBC currently offers fixed-rate mortgages over 2 and 5 year periods. At the end of the period mortgage will revert to the HSBC Variable Rate unless borrower decide to move to another product Feature Fixed Rate Interest Type Fixed Interest Calculated Daily Yes Unlimited over payments without incurring a charge No Early repayment charge Yes Extended tie in period No Exit fee No Can loan can be port if a person move home Yes In Fixed Rate Mortgages early repayment charge applies during the fixed rate period, and if we increase our standard monthly payment by more than 20% or repay, by any other method, the whole or any part of the mortgage, over and above your standard monthly payment during your fixed rate period Tracker Mortgages: The tracker interest we pay is an agreed percentage above the Bank of Englands Base rate. As the base rate rises and falls, the tracker will track these changes, and so rise and fall accordingly. This will affect the monthly payments HSBC Tracker mortgages are Lifetime trackers, in that they track the Base rate for the lifetime of the loan. Therefore we do not have to worry about coming to the end of a deal, and subsequently switching, with the associated costs. Should Base rates rise you can select to move to a fixed rate where booking fees may be payable. Feature Fixed Rate Interest Type Variable Interest Calculated Daily Yes Unlimited over payments without incurring a charge Yes Early repayment charge No Extended tie in period No Exit fee No Can loan can be port if a person move home Yes Discount Mortgages: A discount mortgage is a variable rate mortgage that offers an interest rate that is a discount off the HSBC Variable Rate for an agreed period (e.g. 2 years). With a discount mortgage, monthly payments will go up and down as the HSBC Variable Rate rises and falls. The HSBC Variable Rate is a rate that is internally set by HSBC. An early repayment charge applies during the discounted rate period, and if we increase our standard monthly payment by more than 20% or repay, by any other method, the whole or any part of the mortgage, over and above our standard monthly payment during your discounted rate period. Feature Fixed Rate Interest Type Variable Interest Calculated Daily Yes Unlimited over payments without incurring a charge No Early repayment charge Yes Extended tie in period No Exit fee No Can loan can be port if a person move home Yes GOVT STATISTICS: According to the government statistics the Mortgage Rescue Scheme used to monitor the statistics which usually gives information on the number of householders with having the mortgage difficulties. This scheme has two main elements: Government Mortgage to Rent and â‚ ¬Ã‹Å"Shared Equity The figures which are presented by Government Office Region are usually based on this scheme and submitted to Local Government by local authorities and communities. Local authority figures do not contain estimates for missing returns. Information on the local authority response rate is provided alongside the reported figures for each period. Figures for different periods are shown on separate tabs in the workbook. This is under the Ministry of Justice and the council of mortgage lenders. ( Mortgage and landlord possession statistics (NS) 13 March 2010 Quarterly National Statistics on possession actions issued in county courts by mortgage lenders and social and private landlords in England and Wales. This is released quarterly by the ministry of justice and in relation with UK statistics authority. Justification: As having the field of banking I am quite interesting in reviewing the different strategies followed by the banks in the various fields. Moreover it is accessible for me to collect the information regarding my topic as my friend is serving for the both banks. From them I can get the required data regarding my dissertation. The reason behind choosing this topic is that I can get a direction for my future perspective by having the detailed study of this topic. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: The most important parts of the research needed to be covered are as follow:- What are the major resemblances among commercial mortgage in the Britain? What are the considerations customers should employ when choosing a mortgage product? RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: The below mentioned aims are set up on the foundation of planned research questions: To study the different mortgage products of HSBC Bank To recognize the important advantages of the HSBC mortgages over the other commercial mortgages system in the country, To discover the suitable measure. RESEARCH METHOD: Research plan is very important the main component of the research method. In this research method we will give the fundamental sketch of complete research scheme. Research method is the basic initiation of the entire research in it will plan that the how and when the research will be completed and what actions are required to accomplish this task.   This section aims to explain the type of research methods that would be used for the analysis of the proposed company. The results of the research would indicate the range of services that need to be offered, and the suitability of these services for the target market.  Moore (2000)  explains how the methods used will be influenced by constraints, such as time and money. It is important to consider all the methods available and choose a method that is most likely to achieve the objective of the research. Inductive and deductive Approach: RESEARCH OPINION: In the research onion is used to define the whole process of research strategy in detail the generic research process â‚ ¬Ã‹Å"onion support the researchers and give them the direction to do work. (Saunders et al, 2000) There are the different layers which represents the following aspects of the Research Methodology. Research Philosophy Research Approach Research Strategy Time Horizons Data Collection Methods Primary and Secondary Research   Primary data is that type of information which is new and that hasnt been used or collected before. On the other hand the secondary data is that information which has been collected earlier, by some other sources for their own purpose and can used by others for their convenience .(Saunders et al. 1997). Secondary research is also very important for the establishment of data and the collection of data for the current issues and this also helps to discover the relevant studies which can be carried in the past time. Advantages and disadvantages of primary and secondary research methods Primary Research Advantages: This can be used by face to face conversation in the form of interviews or by the telephonic interview. This is used by the help of technology by using mobile phones and through internet communication. A large group of people can be cover in many areas. Wider coverage of geographical areas. This method is cheaper one. . Disadvantages: There are problems to prepare it. The Questions put in this are generally easy to answer. Lower response for the historic things. Time consuming. Secondary Research Advantages: This is time saving method. This can be used by any firm for the research. Sometime this depends upon the type of research which has to be conducted, for that case their advantages and disadvantages vary. Probably accurate. Disadvantages The main disadvantage is that there is no up to date and is collected over the time. And there may be changes in that data which has to be updated. Data may be in unsuitable format. The data is free to all and there no competitive advantages the organisation (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2002) Qualitative and Quantitative Research   The table below outlines the differences between qualitative and quantitative data: Qualitative Quantitative This research is based on words which are expressed in meaning. Based on derived  from numbers and data. Results collected are non-standardized and data require classification into categories and not in the numerical form. Result of collection is in the numerical form and data is standardized. Conceptualism is used for conduct the analysis. Analysis conducted through there is use   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of diagrams and statistics. (Dey (1993); Healey and Rawlinson (1994), cited in Saunders et al (2003)) SELECTION OF METHOD: As I have the topic of mortgage system it will be suitable for my topic if I will go through mixture of both approaches i.e. both secondary and primary resources. This will be helpful in collecting the relevant data according to the need and will be useful in going to the depth of the research. On my part it is valuable to go through by considering the research onion. Regarding this I will concern both approaches for my research given by (Saunders and Thornhill in 2000). ETHICS: The main source of data collection methods for my research is quantitative method which is useful for collecting the facts and figure for my research. Moreover I have contacts in the both banks for collecting the information. The manager Of HSBC Bank is in contact with me and he agreed to assist me in providing information as per my requirement. In order to make my research more accurate I will use the secondary data and primary data sources as well. By this I can get all the information regarding the mortgage system of the both banks with the required form of data in order to take the comparison of the policies given by the both banks for the mortgage system they provided to their customers. For the guidelines I will do all the work under my supervisor and take suggestion and help of my supervisor time to time to complete my dissertation. SCOPE: The topic of mortgage system has wider scope in the present time as there is a great demand for the mortgage products in the current market position. The theory of my topic is controllable therefore I can do better by keep in mind the wider scope of my study. Even this will help me in future to get the good job in Banking Industry. HSBC Bank Mortgage Policies Analysis HSBC Bank Mortgage Policies Analysis INTRODUCTION: Home is the need of every human being and having their own home is dream of every human being. In the United Kingdom price of the houses are very high and it is not possible for every citizen to buy their own home without taking financial help from financial organization like banks or building societies. When bank or a building society helps someone financially by providing loan, so that a citizen is able to buy his/her own home is called mortgage. In other words we can say a mortgage represents a loan on a property or house that has to be paid over a specified period of time. As financial help is always needed for smooth run of ones life so for the convenience of the people there are many financial organizations such as banks help the people financially, who want to buy their own home and property. So mortgage was introduced by the banks, from which people can get financial help so that one is able to buy his/her own home and property. Mortgage system is very popular among the people of the United Kingdom because this is the only way to buy their own property. As we know that the mortgage is that sum of money which is borrowed from the Bank or Building Society for buying a property and that borrowed amount has to be paid back with principle plus interest within fixed time period. Today mortgage has great importance as it is the only way with the help of which people are able to buy their own property. This dissertation report is based on the theory of research over the mortgage system of HSBC Bank and specifying the various strategies and policies of thei r mortgage system. The purpose of this report is to critically evaluate the mortgage system of HSBC Bank. Company Background: HSBC Bank has its headquarters in London. HSBC took its name from the Hong Kong and Shanghai Corporation which was founded in 1865 to finance trade between China and Europe. HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organization in the world. HSBC has 8,000 offices globally. HSBC Bank is one of the major clearing banks in the United Kingdom having more assets than any other bank. The business ranges from the traditional High Street roles of personal finance and commercial banking, to private banking, consumer finance as well as corporate and investment banking. HSBC is listed on the stock exchanges of London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris having around 220,000 shareholders in 119 countries and territories. HSBC has 1500 branches in United Kingdom. HSBC Bank plc is incorporated in England and Wales and established at 8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ which is its Registered Office. This bank is regulated by the Financial Services Authority and is registered in the Financial Services Authority Register with the Registration Number: 114216. HSBC Bank is member of the Financial Ombudsman Scheme. Literature Review: A mortgage is a conveyance of land or an assignment of chattels as a security for payment of a debt or the discharge of some other obligation for which it is given. This is the idea of a mortgage; and the security is redeemable on the payment or discharge of such debt or obligation, any provision to the contrary notwithstanding (Stanley Wilde 1899) Per Lindley MR. The mortgage is derived from the two words i.e. mort and gage which means dead pledge. The mortgage is usually signed by the borrower and agreed before a public notary and is recorded with the County Recorder. In the mortgage system if the mortgagor fails to pay the installment then the lender has right to close out the mortgage and can sale the property to get the payment for future.(Jack P Friedman, 2003 p.173-204) The mortgage is a  loan  to  finance  for the  purchase  of  real estate, with a specified interest rates and fixed payment time period. The  borrower (mortgagor) gives the  lender  (mortgagee) a  lien  on the property  as  collateral  for the loan. People can borrow money to buy a home and pay interest on the mortgage to the lender (Bank or Building Society). The Lender (Bank) uses borrowers property as security for the loan. This term means that if the borrower fails to pay the monthly installment then lender (Bank) may repossess property. An individual can apply for mortgage from any bank like HSBC, Lloyds TSB, Barclays, and Santander or from Nationwide (Building Society) or from Islamic Bank of Britain. The mortgage makes very easier to pay the huge amount in the monthly installment for the fixed time depends on the mortgage plan. (Jack Guttentag, 2004). The mortgage which suits you the best depends on many parameters which mainly include your risk enduring capacity, your personal financial goals and capabilities and your income. In the presence of so many options and offers present in the market it can surely become a daunting task to select the best mortgage option for you. Considering your dilemma we at came up with some useful tit bits which when kept in mind can surely help you make a wise decision towards taking a mortgage. An adjustable rate mortgage is perfect for those situations where you have to stay in that house for a short period of time and when the interest rates in the market are low and are expected to stay so too during the coming times. On the other hand a fixed rate mortgage fits those situations where in you decide to won that house for a longer period of time and the interest rates too are very high at the moment with chances of volatility in the near future. A fixed interest cushions you against these turbulent conditions. The advantages and disadvantages of mortgages will surely take us a step closer towards deciding it for sure if taking a mortgage is the best solution for your situation. Advantages: The most important advantage associated with a mortgage is the fact that it allows us to retain the ownership of our property and at the same time helps us in getting financial aid too. There is no need for one to sell or let go of his property to seek some money in exchange. In a mortgage the lender does not receive any share in the ownership of the property but is only entitled to take back the principal amount and the interest accumulated on the principal amount lent by him to you. the lender can only claim ownership on your property in case you default on the repayment schedule. The other benefit associated with mortgage is the fact that the interest payments on the mortgage are tax free in nature. Since the schedules of repayment are pre fixed and decided it allows you to plan your financials and expenses accordingly thereby simplifying the entire process for you. By availing a mortgage you now have access to cash flow which you were not having in normal conditions and can now use it to fulfill your needs and requirements. Disadvantages: The need of depositing collateral as security works out to be the biggest drawback of mortgages. It restricts the kind of people who can avail a mortgage as only home owners or other asset owners can do so. Also, in case that you default on your payment the lender has the right to claim the property deposited by you as collateral and then subsequently sell it off to claim back the loaned amount he had given you. You have to ensure while taking the mortgage that there is a clause mentioned therein that on repayment of the mortgage the lender has to release the ownership title submitted to him by you. The lender as per his convenience can define several events which he mat term as a default and generally includes inability to pay back the loan, bankruptcy, insolvency or any breach in the mortgage agreement. Therefore the risk of you ending up losing your property increases substantially. Repayment Of Mortgages There are two methods of repaying mortgage, one can choose from these two methods according to ones personal circumstances. Capital Repayment: With a capital repayment plan, monthly payment covers the interest charged on mortgage and it also reduces the outstanding balance each month in line with the term selected. With this repayment plan, one can ensure mortgage is fully paid off at the end of the mortgage period. What we get with the repayment option: Interest and capital repaid monthly payment covers the interest and also reduces the total balance outstanding Secure providing all payments are made, the mortgage will be repaid in full at the end of the agreed mortgage term Choose your repayment term up to a maximum of 30 years. Capital repayment is a repayment option on all of our mortgage products fixed rate, tracker and discount mortgages. Interest only: With an interest only option, monthly payment covers only the interest charged on mortgage, freeing up cash to spend elsewhere or to invest to pay off mortgage at the end of the mortgage term. By repaying only the interest on mortgage, monthly repayments are lower than with an equivalent capital repayment mortgage. What we get with the Interest only option: Interest only the monthly payment covers just the interest and the original capital amount borrowed remains outstanding throughout the term of the loan Lower monthly payments because capital is not repayed, monthly payments will be lower than with a capital repayment mortgage Long repayment term up to a maximum of 40 years Lower borrowing limit up to a maximum of 75% of the purchase price or the valuation of property (whichever is lower) Availability Interest only loans are restricted to home buyers or customers remortgaging from a competitor. Not available to existing customers borrowing further funds. Mortgage products of HSBC Bank Fixed Rate Mortgages: Repayments are fixed for the duration of the fixed term, and because it doesnt vary, monthly repayments remain the same regardless of what happens to interest rates HSBC currently offers fixed-rate mortgages over 2 and 5 year periods. At the end of the period mortgage will revert to the HSBC Variable Rate unless borrower decide to move to another product Feature Fixed Rate Interest Type Fixed Interest Calculated Daily Yes Unlimited over payments without incurring a charge No Early repayment charge Yes Extended tie in period No Exit fee No Can loan can be port if a person move home Yes In Fixed Rate Mortgages early repayment charge applies during the fixed rate period, and if we increase our standard monthly payment by more than 20% or repay, by any other method, the whole or any part of the mortgage, over and above your standard monthly payment during your fixed rate period Tracker Mortgages: The tracker interest we pay is an agreed percentage above the Bank of Englands Base rate. As the base rate rises and falls, the tracker will track these changes, and so rise and fall accordingly. This will affect the monthly payments HSBC Tracker mortgages are Lifetime trackers, in that they track the Base rate for the lifetime of the loan. Therefore we do not have to worry about coming to the end of a deal, and subsequently switching, with the associated costs. Should Base rates rise you can select to move to a fixed rate where booking fees may be payable. Feature Fixed Rate Interest Type Variable Interest Calculated Daily Yes Unlimited over payments without incurring a charge Yes Early repayment charge No Extended tie in period No Exit fee No Can loan can be port if a person move home Yes Discount Mortgages: A discount mortgage is a variable rate mortgage that offers an interest rate that is a discount off the HSBC Variable Rate for an agreed period (e.g. 2 years). With a discount mortgage, monthly payments will go up and down as the HSBC Variable Rate rises and falls. The HSBC Variable Rate is a rate that is internally set by HSBC. An early repayment charge applies during the discounted rate period, and if we increase our standard monthly payment by more than 20% or repay, by any other method, the whole or any part of the mortgage, over and above our standard monthly payment during your discounted rate period. Feature Fixed Rate Interest Type Variable Interest Calculated Daily Yes Unlimited over payments without incurring a charge No Early repayment charge Yes Extended tie in period No Exit fee No Can loan can be port if a person move home Yes GOVT STATISTICS: According to the government statistics the Mortgage Rescue Scheme used to monitor the statistics which usually gives information on the number of householders with having the mortgage difficulties. This scheme has two main elements: Government Mortgage to Rent and â‚ ¬Ã‹Å"Shared Equity The figures which are presented by Government Office Region are usually based on this scheme and submitted to Local Government by local authorities and communities. Local authority figures do not contain estimates for missing returns. Information on the local authority response rate is provided alongside the reported figures for each period. Figures for different periods are shown on separate tabs in the workbook. This is under the Ministry of Justice and the council of mortgage lenders. ( Mortgage and landlord possession statistics (NS) 13 March 2010 Quarterly National Statistics on possession actions issued in county courts by mortgage lenders and social and private landlords in England and Wales. This is released quarterly by the ministry of justice and in relation with UK statistics authority. Justification: As having the field of banking I am quite interesting in reviewing the different strategies followed by the banks in the various fields. Moreover it is accessible for me to collect the information regarding my topic as my friend is serving for the both banks. From them I can get the required data regarding my dissertation. The reason behind choosing this topic is that I can get a direction for my future perspective by having the detailed study of this topic. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: The most important parts of the research needed to be covered are as follow:- What are the major resemblances among commercial mortgage in the Britain? What are the considerations customers should employ when choosing a mortgage product? RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: The below mentioned aims are set up on the foundation of planned research questions: To study the different mortgage products of HSBC Bank To recognize the important advantages of the HSBC mortgages over the other commercial mortgages system in the country, To discover the suitable measure. RESEARCH METHOD: Research plan is very important the main component of the research method. In this research method we will give the fundamental sketch of complete research scheme. Research method is the basic initiation of the entire research in it will plan that the how and when the research will be completed and what actions are required to accomplish this task.   This section aims to explain the type of research methods that would be used for the analysis of the proposed company. The results of the research would indicate the range of services that need to be offered, and the suitability of these services for the target market.  Moore (2000)  explains how the methods used will be influenced by constraints, such as time and money. It is important to consider all the methods available and choose a method that is most likely to achieve the objective of the research. Inductive and deductive Approach: RESEARCH OPINION: In the research onion is used to define the whole process of research strategy in detail the generic research process â‚ ¬Ã‹Å"onion support the researchers and give them the direction to do work. (Saunders et al, 2000) There are the different layers which represents the following aspects of the Research Methodology. Research Philosophy Research Approach Research Strategy Time Horizons Data Collection Methods Primary and Secondary Research   Primary data is that type of information which is new and that hasnt been used or collected before. On the other hand the secondary data is that information which has been collected earlier, by some other sources for their own purpose and can used by others for their convenience .(Saunders et al. 1997). Secondary research is also very important for the establishment of data and the collection of data for the current issues and this also helps to discover the relevant studies which can be carried in the past time. Advantages and disadvantages of primary and secondary research methods Primary Research Advantages: This can be used by face to face conversation in the form of interviews or by the telephonic interview. This is used by the help of technology by using mobile phones and through internet communication. A large group of people can be cover in many areas. Wider coverage of geographical areas. This method is cheaper one. . Disadvantages: There are problems to prepare it. The Questions put in this are generally easy to answer. Lower response for the historic things. Time consuming. Secondary Research Advantages: This is time saving method. This can be used by any firm for the research. Sometime this depends upon the type of research which has to be conducted, for that case their advantages and disadvantages vary. Probably accurate. Disadvantages The main disadvantage is that there is no up to date and is collected over the time. And there may be changes in that data which has to be updated. Data may be in unsuitable format. The data is free to all and there no competitive advantages the organisation (Ghauri and Gronhaug, 2002) Qualitative and Quantitative Research   The table below outlines the differences between qualitative and quantitative data: Qualitative Quantitative This research is based on words which are expressed in meaning. Based on derived  from numbers and data. Results collected are non-standardized and data require classification into categories and not in the numerical form. Result of collection is in the numerical form and data is standardized. Conceptualism is used for conduct the analysis. Analysis conducted through there is use   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Of diagrams and statistics. (Dey (1993); Healey and Rawlinson (1994), cited in Saunders et al (2003)) SELECTION OF METHOD: As I have the topic of mortgage system it will be suitable for my topic if I will go through mixture of both approaches i.e. both secondary and primary resources. This will be helpful in collecting the relevant data according to the need and will be useful in going to the depth of the research. On my part it is valuable to go through by considering the research onion. Regarding this I will concern both approaches for my research given by (Saunders and Thornhill in 2000). ETHICS: The main source of data collection methods for my research is quantitative method which is useful for collecting the facts and figure for my research. Moreover I have contacts in the both banks for collecting the information. The manager Of HSBC Bank is in contact with me and he agreed to assist me in providing information as per my requirement. In order to make my research more accurate I will use the secondary data and primary data sources as well. By this I can get all the information regarding the mortgage system of the both banks with the required form of data in order to take the comparison of the policies given by the both banks for the mortgage system they provided to their customers. For the guidelines I will do all the work under my supervisor and take suggestion and help of my supervisor time to time to complete my dissertation. SCOPE: The topic of mortgage system has wider scope in the present time as there is a great demand for the mortgage products in the current market position. The theory of my topic is controllable therefore I can do better by keep in mind the wider scope of my study. Even this will help me in future to get the good job in Banking Industry.